Lineage is a crucial element of any data pipeline that enables the tracking of the data flow from its origin to the end goal, which includes all the intermediate processes and transformations. In the context of SuperAlign, lineage involves capturing the provenance of data and transformations applied to produce a final dataset.

Basic Pipeline

A standard data pipeline contains loading data and applying transformations to convert it into a dataset. SuperAlign provides the following decorators to register these components of the pipeline

@load_data is used to decorate a function that is used to load data into the code. It should return the loaded dataframe.

@transformer is used to decorate any function that applies transformations on the data. It should return the loaded dataframe.

@dataset is used to decorate the function that amalgamates all the steps in the data pipeline to generate the dataset. It should return the loaded dataframe.

The following example demonstrates how to create a data pipeline using SuperAlign decorators that capture the lineage of the data transformations


from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder
import pandas as pd
from pureml.decorators import dataset, transformer, load_data

def load_churn_data():
    Loads data
    df = pd.read_csv('./bigml_59c28831336c6604c800002a.csv')

    return df

def encode_ordinal(df):
    Encode ordinal data
    col_ord = ['state', 'phone number']
    df_ord = df[col_ord]
    feat = OrdinalEncoder().fit_transform(df_ord)

    df[col_ord] = feat

    return df

def encode_binary(df):
    Encode binary data
    df['voice mail plan'] = df['voice mail plan'].map({'yes':1, 'no':0})
    df['international plan'] = df['international plan'].map({'yes':1, 'no':0})
    df['churn'] = df['churn'].map({True:1, False:0})

    return df

def build_dataset():
    df = load_churn_data()

    df = encode_ordinal(df)
    df = encode_binary(df)

    return df

df = build_dataset()

The above example generates the following pipeline structure: